
Navigate Expeditions and Ecotourism

Navigate Expeditions is dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment, community, and culture. Through immersive and nature-based experiences, we aim to offer regenerative travel opportunities that leave a lasting, positive mark on the places we explore.

As human impact touches every corner of the world, our mission is to tread lightly and give back to the natural environments we visit. We strive to provide environmentally-conscious travelers with transformative experiences, allowing them to leave with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, knowing they’ve made a difference during their journey. Join us on our expeditions to discover new ways of experiencing the outdoors while contributing positively to the planet and local communities.


Navigate Expeditions have achieved advanced ecotourism, climate action and respecting our culture (ROC)  business certification with Ecotourism Australia. The ECO Certification program certifies tourism products with a primary focus on nature. It assures travellers that certified products are backed by a strong, well managed commitment to sustainable practices and provides high quality nature-based tourism experiences.


Australia’s leading and most innovative ecotourism products that operate with minimal impact on the environment and provide opportunities to learn about the environment with operators who are committed to achieving best practice, using resources wisely, contributing to conserving the environment and helping local communities.


Businesses that have undertaken a set of adaptation and emissions reduction actions and are measuring and tracking their carbon footprint.

Respecting Our Culture (ROC) Certification

ROC certified tourism operators are committed to protecting cultural authenticity and integrity, developing sound business practices, environmental protection and acknowledging Indigenous peoples spiritual connection to the land and water.

Mastering Sustainable Travel: The 7 'Leave No Trace' Principles


Plan Ahead and Prepare

Minimise impact, respect wildlife & cultures, prioritize safety, & ensure responsible enjoyment of nature. Leave no trace behind.


Travel on Durable Surfaces

Preserve natural habitats, minimise impact on vegetation, and choose established trails for sustainable exploration. Leave no trace, protect nature.


Dispose of Waste Properly

Vital for sustainable travel. Carry out all trash, use designated facilities, recycle, and properly dispose of waste to protect the environment.


Leave What You Find

Preserve nature’s beauty, cultural artifacts, and historical sites. Avoid damaging flora and fauna, respect nature’s wonders.


Minimise Campfire Impacts

Use established fire rings, keep fires small, and burn only small sticks. Consider alternatives like camp stoves to protect ecosystems.


Respect Wildlife

Observe from a distance, avoid feeding, and give animals space. Preserve their natural behaviors and habitats. Coexist responsibly with wildlife.


Be Considerate Of Others

Respect fellow visitors’ experience, privacy, and enjoyment. Keep noise levels low, yield on trails, and promote a harmonious environment.

More Information

On the 7 principles of Leave No Trace and sustainable travel, visit the  website. Explore valuable insights to preserve nature and protect our environment responsibly.

Understanding Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change refers to changes in the Earth’s climate, including those directly influenced by human activities. Global warming, on the other hand, specifically pertains to the increase in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature due to the release of carbon emissions and the Greenhouse Effect.

While climate change and global warming are often associated with rising temperatures, their impacts extend beyond mere heat. They contribute to a host of extreme and unpredictable weather events, which are directly affecting our planet, its wildlife, and human populations.

The Earth’s atmosphere contains greenhouse gases that function like the glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to pass through from the outside while trapping heat inside, thereby maintaining a relatively constant temperature. While some greenhouse gases are naturally occurring, human activity over the last century has led to a rapid increase in their release, making it more challenging for solar radiation to escape and causing temperatures to rise steadily.

Activities such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), industrial processes like agriculture, and deforestation contribute significantly to climate change. Scientists widely agree that the observed increase in global temperatures and the occurrence of extreme weather events in the last century align with the rise in greenhouse gases associated with human activity.

Understanding Climate Change's Impact

Since the late 19th century, the global average temperature has risen by 0.2°C to 0.6°C, leading to significant effects such as increased air and ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, and reduced snow and ice cover. These changes bring about extreme weather events like droughts, floods, heatwaves, and bushfires, with further temperature and sea level increases threatening delicate ecosystems.

Over the past 5 years, our region in the far South Coast of NSW has endured devastating bushfires and floods, directly linked to climate change. As a signatory to the Paris Agreement (2015), Australia aims to limit the average temperature increase well below 2°C and strive to keep warming below 1.5°C.

If you wish to calculate, reduce, and offset your carbon emissions, consider using for guidance on your sustainability journey.

Guiding Navigate Expeditions' Operations

United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals were created to address global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and social justice, with the aim of creating a more sustainable and equitable world for all by the year 2030.

Navigate Expeditions aligns with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism practices. Here are some ways in which Navigate Expeditions contributes to the SDGs:

  • DG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - Empowering local communities through employment opportunities and fostering economic growth in our region.
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Advocate sustainable tourism through waste reduction, eco-friendly products, and support for local suppliers.
  • SDG 13: Climate Action - We are committed to recording, reducing, and offsetting our carbon emissions.
  • SDG 14: Life Below Water - Navigate Expeditions raises marine conservation awareness through kayaking tours, educating guests on responsible coastal behavior.
  • SDG 15: Life on Land - Committed to environmental stewardship, we promote respect for habitats, wildlife awareness, and biodiversity protection.
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - By actively seeking and developing strategic collaborations with like-minded businesses we achieving collective action.
UN Sustainability Goals

We recognise that achieving sustainability requires a holistic approach, and its initiatives are designed to positively impact both the environment and local communities. By aligning its practices with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to be a responsible and exemplary player in the tourism industry, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Taking Action Against Climate Change: Our Efforts and Initiatives

Tourism is responsible for roughly 8% of the world’s carbon emissions (Nature Climate Change 2018). We believe that we need to calculate, reduce, and offset our emissions. We have adopted the following strategies and are on a continuous journey to find even more avenues for offsetting our emissions. 

If you are interested in calculating, reducing and offsetting your own carbon emissions we recommend to help you on your journey. 

Tesla Electric Vehicle at Green Cape Lighthouse

Electric Vehicles and Green Recharge

Utilise electric vehicles, charged with green power from NRMA, whenever possible to reduce carbon emissions.

Planting trees on land dedicated to conservation

Tree-Planting Initiative

Plant Australian native trees for guests on multi-day tours and offer tree purchase options for day tours to enhance carbon sequestration.

Setting up a picnic using local produce and catering

Green Supplier Policy

Opt for local products with minimal single use plastic  to minimise transport emissions and support regional sustainability.

Navigate Expeditions team photo with kayaks in background

Sustainable Staffing

Employ local staff sharing our climate values, reducing work-related commuting emissions.

Owner Jess with Dr Clair Ellis Sustainability and Eco-tourism Masterclass

Environmental Awareness

Real Factoryl is a major supplier of products to the ship building industry. We provide wide range of products in this industry.

Goannas (Monitor Lizards)

Biodiversity Recording

Promote citizen science, collaborating with Atlas of Life and using iNaturalist to record regional biodiversity and track climate-related impacts..

Troop carrier with bike trailer

Emission Monitoring and Reduction

Track emissions monthly and conduct annual assessments to reduce and offset our carbon footprint.

Guest photographing a Wallaby

Customer and Staff Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from staff and customers to enhance emission reduction strategies.

Low carbon activities

Promote Low-Carbon Activities

Prioritise kayaking, walking, and mountain biking to minimise carbon footprint while enjoying sustainable outdoor experiences.

12 Sustainable Travel Tips: Minimise Your Impact on the Planet

Eco-Certified Tours

Travel responsibly with eco-certified operators to support sustainable tourism and preserve the environment.

Reduce Plastic Waste

Bring reusable items like water bottles, coffee cups, containers, and utensils to cut down on disposable plastic during your journey.

Sustainable Toiletries

Opt for shampoo bars, bamboo toothbrushes, and products in reusable or recyclable packaging to avoid single-use toiletries.

Protect Marine Life

Apply reef-safe sunscreen 30 minutes before swimming to safeguard marine ecosystems from pollution.

Bulk Food Shopping

Purchase food in bulk from local whole-food shops to avoid single-use plastic packaging.

Green Transport Choices

Prefer public transport, walking, or cycling for a healthier and eco-conscious travel experience.

Water-Wise Habits

Conserve water by turning off taps, using half-flush buttons, and reusing towels and sheets when possible.

Offset Your Carbon

Choose carbon offset options when buying flight tickets or other purchases to support climate-friendly initiatives.

Engage in Citizen Science

Participate by using apps like FrogID, Fungimap, and iNaturalist to contribute positively to scientific research and biodiversity observation.

Promote Sustainable Businesses

Share sustainable travel recommendations on social media, blogs, and through word of mouth.

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Utilise resources like Carbon Neutral, Ecologi, or Green Fleet to measure and reduce annual carbon emissions.

Choose Less Crowded Destinations

Avoid over-tourism’s negative impacts by selecting less crowded destinations for your trips.

Embracing Sustainable EcoTourism: Our Initiatives

Guest drinking from our reusable drink bottles

Reusable Drink Bottles

Encourage guests to carry reusable drink bottles, and provide water for refilling during tours.

Picnic lunches on Navigate Expedition Tours

Avoid Single Use Materials

Prioritise reusable packaging and avoid single-use materials, committing to sustainable dining practices throughout the tours.

Collaboration with like minded business like Broadwater Oysters

Sustainable Business Partnerships

Collaborate with like-minded businesses, prioritizing those with Ecotourism Australia accreditation to promote shared values of sustainability.

Actively involved in the community

Community Engagement

Actively volunteer with Atlas of Life and participate in local clubs, business chambers, tourism associations, and conservation groups.

Guests gathered around for morning tea in the bush

Waste Management Initiatives

Purchase from bulk whole food stores to minimise plastic packaging, compost organic waste, and recycle while reducing plastic waste.

Clean up Australia Day

Environmental Advocacy

Collaborate with Tathra Landcare Conservation Group to advocate for conservation and environmental stewardship.

Tathra Mountain Bike Tours

Tathra MTB Club & Bega LALC

$5 from every direct Tathra MTB Tour booking will be split and donated to both the Tathra MTB Club and the Bega Local Aboriginal Lands Council.

Bega Local Aboriginal Lands Council

$5 from every direct Bega River Kayak Tour booking will be donated to the Bega Local Aboriginal Lands Council

Lake Curalo Eden Bike Tour

Clean Curalo Project

$5 from every direct Lake Curalo Bike Tour booking will be spent in collaboration with the Clean Curalo Project. 

Pambula River and Beowa National Park

South Coast Wilderness Oysters Association

$2 from every guest on the Pambula River Kayak and Kayak and Shuck tour will be donated to the South Coast Wilderness Oysters Association. To support the conservation, preservation, and rehabilitation of rivers in our region.

Wildlife Rescue South Coast

$5 from every Bermagui Kayak Tour guest and 5 hour Eden Tour guest will be donated to the Wildlife Rescue South Coast. To support the rehabilitation, transportation, equipment provision, and training of volunteers dedicated to rescuing wildlife in our region.

Twofold Aboriginal Corporation

$5 from every guest of the Aboriginal Cultural Tour will be donated to the Twofold Aboriginal Corporation .To support the education, preservation, and celebration of the Aboriginal culture in our region. 

Take 3 For The Sea

$1 from every guest on our 2 hour Highlights of Eden Tour will be donated to ‘Take 3 for the Sea‘. We encourage both our guides and guests to collect litter during all our tours.